Brain Booster Pack _HOT_
Self care is, literally, taking care of yourself. And since your brain controls your body, it's smart to start there. But exercising your brain doesn't have to be another annoying line on your to-do list.
To purify & heal the internal holy temple of our bodies, it is of utmost importance to partner it with the natural & organic elements. And for that, nothing is better than the Queen of Herbs, Tulsi, itself! Tulsi, when brought together with Brahmi & Gotu kola brewed in the form of Green Tea, results in a highly valuable potion that not only benefits the brain but takes care of overall improvement.
Clubbed with the best of Ayurveda & ancient wisdom, Shistaka provides the best brain boost green tea. Amidst all the junk & toxins, we allow to enter our bodies, no wonder the potential to think straight & rational weakens up.
To keep up with these toxins & maintain brain health wisely, Shistaka brings the number 1 brain booster formula in the form of tea! Brain Booster by Shistaka detoxifies the mind, body & soul. It rejuvenates the brain & enhances it with the best memory power.
Shistaka aims to offer the best quality of memory tea that focuses on transforming the lives of tea-admirers forever! Picked right from nature & poured in your cups, Shistaka makes the best herbal tea for memory. To keep it light & elegant, order these stylish & trendy packs of brain booster tea to enhance your memory right from the comfort of your home. Without skipping on the opportunity, buy brain booster tea online and await the best of nature till it is delivered to your doorstep!
Maybe they're studying for a big exam or preparing themselves for a big presentation. Maybe it's a pre-emptive-after-a-big-night gift or someone who's just really in need of a big ol' healthy pick-me-up. Our brain booster box is here to save those tired and dusty minds!
Nootropics are compounds that have an active effect on brain function in healthy people. They have a range of effects, and can turn up motivation, creativity, alertness, memory, and general cognitive function.
Brain Boost On-The-Go gives your brain a safe, fast-acting pick-me-up with natural brain energizers that can help you feel sharp and focused.* These individually wrapped, convenient powder packets mix with water to create a delicious, fizzy drink.
Your brain is 80% water, which means you need to stay well hydrated in order to keep your brain functioning optimally. According to a study published in the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, participants in the study who drank water before performing cognitive tasks reacted faster than people who did not drink water beforehand.
Vitamin B6, as pyridoxine and pyridoxal-5-phosphate, is essential for at least 100 enzymes that help the brain make key neurotransmitters. It helps the body utilize carbohydrates, fats and amino acids derived from proteins. Vitamin B6 aids the conversion of potentially damaging homocysteine into useful antioxidants. It also promotes relaxation and healthy mood. This formula provides the two chemical forms of B6 that are most fully absorbed and utilized.
This formula contains folate as methylfolate (MTHF). The brain requires MTHF to make neurotransmitters, to produce the myelin insulation of nerve cells, and to make the sleep hormone melatonin. It also helps the liver and other organs recycle the metabolic product homocysteine, to prevent it from building up to toxic levels.
Vitamin B12 is essential for structural integrity of the brain and spinal cord. Higher levels of B12 are linked to better mood, behavior, personality and mental clarity. This formula supplies the methyl form of vitamin B12 (MeB12), rather than the commonly used cyano-cobalamin, which contains potentially harmful cyanide.
Extensive clinical research links this amino acid with the health benefits of green tea. It enhances relaxing alpha brain wave activity, reduces tension, and fosters a restful state without diminishing daytime alertness. It also promotes healthy blood pressure stability against the over-excitability associated with stress.
Packaged in single-use packets, Brain Boost On-The-Go is a safe, fast-acting brain boost drink that can go anywhere you do. Toss some packets in your purse, gym bag, or backpack, and be ready to energize your brain anytime, anywhere.
With our natural and caffeine-free nootropic pills, your mind and body will get the support they need to keep up and find your zen. This brain supplement has the most beneficial ingredients to support your cognitive functions.
Just tried my trial pack and totally love them. They are a great consistency so easy to bite into. Great choice of flavors for variety they're perfect for an energy brain boost at the turnaround when playing golf!
Throughout the month of LOVE, February 2023, we are offering 4 of our top sellers for the price of 3! Show your brain some love add all four items to your cart in order to receive the discount!
BUNDLE INCLUDES:BrainJuice Daily BrainPower Mix Watermelon 2.2 oz canister, 15-serving.BrainJuice Daily BrainPower Mix Pomegranate 2.2 oz canister, 15-serving.BrainJuice Original Strawberry Lemonade 2.5 oz RTD, 12-pack.BrainJuice Immunity Pomegranate Acai 2.5 oz RTD, 12-pack.
Our powerful Immunity 2.5 oz ready to drink supplements include a blend of vitamins that support brain performance, memory, immune function, and cellular support that defends the body against infection.
Engage in regular cardiovascular exercise that elevates your heart rate and increases blood flow to the brain and body. Several studies have found an association between physical activity and reduced risk of cognitive decline.
Challenge and activate your mind. Build a piece of furniture. Complete a jigsaw puzzle. Do something artistic. Play games, such as bridge, that make you think strategically. Challenging your mind may have short and long-term benefits for your brain.
Brain Booster Nootropic Herbal Tea 70g: Drink this brain-loving herbal tea to enhance the learning environment of the mind, reducing unbidden chatter to augment focus and study skills.
Acetyl-l-tyrosine is an easy-to-absorb form of tyrosine which is a building block amino acid for the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are associated with alertness, drive, and motivation. Acetyl-l-tyrosine has been shown to help maintain cognitive function while under stress. It is different than l-tyrosine in that it can easily cross the blood-brain barrier, making it an exceptional nutrient for brain health. Tyrosine is also needed for the formation of thyroid hormone.*
Alpha GPC is a natural and highly bioavailable form of choline that assists mental focus. Choline helps form acetylcholine, the primary neurotransmitter involved with memory and learning. It is a very good nutrient for age-associated memory support and has even been shown to assist in the activation of the rejuvenating growth hormone. Choline is also used to help form healthy brain cell membranes. Thus, Alpha GPC makes a significant contribution to healthy brain structure and function in several important ways.*
PhosphatidylSerine is naturally found in every cell membrane in the body, but in very high amounts in cell membranes in the brain. PS is the key nutrient that regulates how brain cells work. It regulates which nutrients enter brain cells, how waste gets out of brain cells, and communication between brain cells (neurotransmitter flow).
PhosphatidylSerine is an important building block nutrient for healthy and functional brain cells. It is in very short supply in the diet and must be constructed from other nutrients, a very energy intense activity.*
Supplemental PhosphatidylSerine has been shown to help brain cells work better, consistent with the activity of a brain that is less aged. PS can improve mental focus, short-term memory, mood, coordination, concentration, and learning.*
Nootropics are a class of natural or synthetic compounds that may improve your brain function. While hundreds of nootropic supplements are available, several beverages contain natural nootropic compounds (1).
Coffee is probably the most widely consumed nootropic beverage. Most of its brain benefits come from caffeine, although it contains other compounds like the antioxidant chlorogenic acid that may affect your brain as well (2).
Additionally, EGCG is able to enter your brain through the blood-brain barrier, meaning it could exert beneficial effects on your brain or even combat neurodegenerative diseases. Nonetheless, more research is necessary (8).
Still, one review of high quality studies in nearly 400 people found mixed results. The strongest positive effect involved better short- and long-term memory, but some studies in this review reported no positive brain effects from blueberry intake (14, 15).
Like turmeric lattes, adaptogen lattes are warm, savory drinks packed with unique ingredients. Adaptogens are foods and herbs that may help your body adapt to stress, thus improving brain function and decreasing fatigue (18).
Still, nitric oxide signaling may play roles in the areas of your brain responsible for language, learning, and advanced decision-making, and beetroot juice may boost these effects by increasing nitric oxide production (19, 20).
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