Developer Font Tool 10.2 MAC OS X
Your feedback goes a long way toward making Xcode even better. With Feedback Assistant, you can report issues or request enhancements to APIs and tools. Provide detailed information about issues, including your system and developer tool versions, and any relevant crash logs or console messages. To ask questions and find answers from Apple engineers and other developers, visit the Apple Developer Forums.
Interesting and even offensive code names are a kind of high-tech team-building tool; geeks like this kind of thing. And it is an even more powerful reward to allow the developers to keep their code name, something they usually acquire a significant affection for, even as the project goes into production. This is a classically "Apple" move: rewarding the strange, creative geeks who are down in the trenches doing the real work.
The following is a list of frequently asked questions about Kerberos on Mac OS X 10.2 and 10.3. Thisinformation is intended to assist users, support staff and developers who use Kerberos on the Macintosh.
A: The Kerberos included with Mac OS X 10.2 and later includes the Kerberos framework, command line tools,the GUI Kerberos management application (although it's hidden away in /System/Library/CoreServices ), a Kerberoslogin authenticator, and support for Kerberos in various applications. The CFM support libraries are not included,but can be obtained by installing the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras,which will also put an alias to the Kerberos application in a more convenient location.
MacGhostView is a application for previewing Postscript and encapsulated Postscript files and converting them to other formats.It implements the command line tools gv (ghostview 3.7.2) and gs (ghostscript 9.18). Multiple files can be previewed at the same time, each one displayed in its own gv window. Unlike Apple's Preview program,MacGhostView does not convert Postscript files to PDF format and then displaythe PDF file. System RequirementsMacGhostView 6.1 runs on any OS X from 10.6 to 10.15 and requires the X11 or XQuartz application. If you have updated to Catalina from a previousversion of macOS you may have to reinstall XQuartz 2.7.11. DownloadingMacGhostView 6.1 is a 50 Mb download and can be downloaded by clickinghere.This download includes the gv, xdvi-motif and xpdf tools described below. Previous versions MacGhostView 5.2.4 is a 32 bit application and runs under OS X 10.2 - 10.14. MacGhostView 4.6 does not require X11. It is a PPC program and runs under OS X 10.2 - 10.6. MacGhostView 3.2 is the last version of MacGhostView that runs on a vintage 68K or Power Mac under OS 7.0.1 through 9.2.2. It also runs under emulation with Basilisk II or SheepShaver. Terminal based previewers for TeX on OS XMacGhostview includes three previewers which may be of interest to usersof TeX on OS X, namely gv, xdvi-motif and xpdf. All three require a X11 installation and xdvi-motif requires MacTeX 2016 or later.Gv is simply MacGhostView stripped of everything but the Postscript viewer and is run from the Terminal.You must have a recent version of ghostscript installed in /usr/local. Toinstall gv simply move it to /usr/local/bin and move the man page, gv.1, to/usr/local/share/man/man1. It runs under OS X 10.6 through 10.15.Xpdf is another PDF viewer for OS X. It does not use Apple's PDFKit for renderingPDF files and thus may display PDF files that do not display correctly underPreview, TeXShop or Skim. Toinstall xpdf simply move xpdf and xpdf-bin to /usr/local/bin and move the man page, xpdf.1, to/usr/local/share/man/man1. Xpdf does not require a ghostscript installation but doesuse some old style ghostscript fonts. If your system does not have a/usr/local/share/ghostcript/fonts directory, move the fonts folder to the/usr/local/share/ghostscript directory.Xpdf runs under OS X 10.6 through 10.15. Xdvi-motif is the OpenMotif version of the xdvi program included with MacTeX 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 or 2020. To install it move xdvim and xdvi-motif to /Library/TeX/texbin. To viewmyfile.dvi with xdvi-motif type xdvim myfile.dvi in a Terminal window.Typing xdvi myfile.dvi will run the standard xdvi program.These programs are included in the MacGhostView 6.1 download given above.
The NVIDIA Visual Profiler is a cross-platform performance profiling tool that delivers developers vital feedback for optimizing CUDA C/C++ applications. First introduced in 2008, Visual Profiler supports all 350 million+ CUDA capable NVIDIA GPUs shipped since 2006 on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. The NVIDIA Visual Profiler is available as part of the CUDA Toolkit.
To get the most out of this text, you will need to be running Mac OS X 10.3 or later. If you have 10.2, most of what is here will work OK, but the tools as described will be different, and a little harder to use. The coding examples avoid Cocoa features that only exist on 10.3 or 10.4, but later chapters will explain them.
The NVIDIA tool for debugging CUDA applications running on Linux and QNX, providing developers with a mechanism for debugging CUDA applications running on actual hardware. CUDA-GDB is an extension to the x86-64 port of GDB, the GNU Project debugger.
Known as Jaguar, Mac OS X 10.2 is a stunning technical achievementthat has seduced Unix, Windows, and Mac OS 9 users. Adopting Jaguaris easy; mastering this new OS can take a bit more. And no matterhow good your reference books are, you can't always stop to thumbthrough hundreds of pages to find the piece of information youneed. Concise, easy to use, and thoroughly updated to cover Mac OSX 10.2, this new edition of the Mac OS X Pocket Guideintroduces you to the fundamental concepts of Mac OS X. It alsofeatures a handy "Mac OS X Survival Guide," that shows Mac userswhat's changed from Mac OS 9, and helps Windows and Unix convertsget acclimated to their new OS. The Mac OS X Pocket Guide,2nd Edition shows you how to use tools such the Finder and theDock, and includes an overview of the System Preferences, theTerminal application, and the Developer Tools. It covers all theessential commands and keys, includes basic UNIX command info,printer, modem configurations, and provides instant help when youneed it at your keyboard or on the road. This slim guide alsoincludes a quick reference for creating special characters and alisting of basic keyboard commands. If you need to add a user,remove a user, correct OS preferences, log in, log out, tune thedock, or change passwords, you'll find the information you needeasily in a book that really can fit in your back pocket. With over250 tips and tricks, this practical, to-the-point Mac OS XPocket Guide is a small but powerful roadmap to unleashing thepower of Mac OS X.
We released Omnis Studio 10.2 November 10, 2020, just before the official release of Big Sur. It is possible that there will be compatibility issues, including some drawing anomalies, when running the release version of Omnis Studio 10.2 on Big Sur. Drawing support changed with each beta release of Big Sur that Omnis engineering was working with, but all these issues have been addressed in Omnis Studio 10.2 Rev 28632 and developers should upgrade to this version.
Building code for iOS requires an Apple ID, an iOS Developer Program account, and a Mac computer that can run Xcode version 10.2 or later on OS X Mavericks (version 10.9) or later versions. For a link to installation steps, see Install tools for iOS.
The MCUXpresso IDE brings developers an easy-to-use Eclipse-based development environment for NXP® MCUs based on Arm® Cortex®-M cores, including its general purpose crossover and wireless - enabled MCUs. The MCUXpresso IDE offers advanced editing, compiling, and debugging features with the addition of MCU-specific debugging views, code trace and profiling, multicore debugging, and integrated configuration tools. The MCUXpresso IDE debug connections support Freedom, Tower® system, LPCXpresso, i.MX RT-based EVKs, and your custom development boards with optimized open-source and commercial debug probes from NXP, P&E Micro®, and SEGGER®. 2b1af7f3a8