Dmg Momentum
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\"You wield an over-sized weapon of some sort; a gigantic sword, mace or axe or possibly even a railroad crossing sign. The weapon's sheer mass gives it great destructive power, and your immense strength and skill allow you to use it as a devastating weapon. Titan Weapons as a set, has exceptional area of effect capability, while retaining a strong single target ability. Certain powers can only be used as follow up attacks and are grayed out when first entering combat, while others allow you to build up momentum and accelerate your attack speed for a few moments. Momentum is gained by using a Titan Weapon power when you don't already have Momentum. This effect lasts for 5 seconds. Once Momentum wears off, another Titan Weapon attack must be used to grant Momentum again.
Grants you momentum, moderately increases the amount of damage you deal for a few seconds and slightly increases your chance to hit. Build Momentum grants you Momentum for 10 seconds and it replaces any remaining Momentum you may still have.
If you want to use momentum in PVE ( Warrior )Just equip 3 15% move speed for great dmg boosting and zealous talent for use sprint ( horn )Dont use momentum in pvp. You will waste lot of slot .
As many of us have been warning for months, the momentum talents are superior to any other build in all content. They are the best for single target, aoe, and now pvp. We need emergency changes asap. Our talents need to be balanced against eachother better so this horrible, controversial playstyle is never the best option in any content.
You'll also want at least 1 cap skill. If you use clone get dbl barrel. The purple cap skill is great too. Pretty sure it's a v2 dmg skill which Zane doesn't have much of. Blue cap skill is also really good. If you're using violent momentum and the movement speed on kill skill in blue tree.
As predictive analytics and data mining continue to gain momentum in industry and business applications, open standards provide an essential platform to share predictive models across vendors and to disseminate model-related information within organizations. These standards are a critical element in the operational application of predictive analytics. Organized by the Data Mining Group (DMG), this special applied data science session on Standards for Predictive Analytics will cover available standards, discuss their adoption, and explore any needs unmet by existing standards. This event forms part of a broader SIGKDD Standards Initiative and will be of particular interest to KDD attendees focused on the operational application of data mining.
if i put 2 momentum runes in a weapon, does it doubly increase the ias. and if so, would it be more opportunistic to put 3 momentums in instead of subbing 1 or 2 slots for intensifying keep in mind i'm a shadow/assassin/duelist rogue that's ALL about backstabbing/crits. ALSO does the % increase to backstab/crit damage on your off hand weapon have anything to do with your backstab dmg, considering you only backstab w/ your main hand any answers to any of these questions appreciated, or even just more questions for me to ponder :DDISCUSS!!
Thanks, Fluff. So, you think that Cadence/Deadly momentum not worth it, even if we take Warborn Gavel + Warborn armor (easily 23/16 Cadence and 18/12 momentum, for example) and take Tree/Obelisk of Menhir Yeah it will be just-another-Cadence-build, but with meteors)
In Unit 7 we have seen that an external force applied to a system changes the linear momentum of the system. In this unit we will learn that an external torque about a point changes the angular momentum of a system about the same point.
Let's consider a particle of mass m moving with velocity . The rate of change of the angular momentum vector about a given point Q is equal to the sum of the torques about point Q due to the forces acting on the particle :
In Example 1 of Module 1 we have obtained that the angular momentum of the particle about a point Q located at a distance d from the straight line is directed into the screen and has a magnitude LQ = dmv.
is the force of friction which points along the -x-axis. As a result, the speed of the particle decreases with time, and so does the magnitude of the angular momentum about point Q, LQ(t) = dmv(t).
Let's consider a system formed by N point particles. The rate of change of the angular momentum of the system about a given point Q is equal to the sum of the external torques acting on the system about that point.
2. The torques that will produce a change in the angular momentum are only the external torques on the system. The possible internal interactions between particles in the system will cause internal forces. It can be shown that the torque due to the internal forces cancel in pairs (as long as the 3rd law pairs are along the line joining both particles).
The result presented for a system of N particles is also valid for a rigid object. The rate of change of the angular momentum of a rigid object about a given point Q is equal to the net external torque on the object about point Q:
Question 1: Consider the system to be the ball and the rod. Is the angular momentum about point Q of the ball-rod system constant during the time that the collision lasts (ti < t < tf)
Then the net torque about point Q of the ball - rod system is zero during the collision and the angular momentum of the system about point Q is constant during the collision.
In the following example, there is a net external torque acting on the system. We will argue that if the time interval of the process is small enough then the angular momentum of the system is approximately constant during that time internal.
The initial angular momentum of the system is the angular momentum of the putty wad (the rod is at rest). This corresponds to the angular momentum of a point particle moving along a straight line a distance d/2 form point Q. The magnitude of the initial angular momentum of the system is then: .
The difference now is that the torque due to gravity has enough time to change the angular momentum of the putty wad. The time of falling from a height h is obtained using the constant acceleration model:
DMG expects speech analytics to continue to pick up momentum, particularly as best practices emerge to help companies succeed with their implementations. More vendors will incorporate speech analytics capabilities into their solutions, and the speech analytics providers are expected to continue to build out their functionality to enable their findings to be more actionable without having to feed them into other applications. Quality assurance will continue to evolve and improve over the next few years as speech analytics becomes a standard component of this essential business function.
Abstract:We demonstrated that a ring-core erbium-doped fiber amplifier (RC-EDFA) can support orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes with topological charges (l = 13). The dependence of the characteristics on the length of the RC-EDF was investigated experimentally, including an investigation of gain and 3 dB gain bandwidth over the whole C band (i.e., 15301565 nm). The 3 dB gain bandwidth was improved to 21 nm. At a signal wavelength of 1550 nm, the maximum gain of all signal modes was up to 30.1 dB. Differential modal gain was maintained below approximately 1.3 dB.Keywords: ring-core erbium-doped fiber; orbital angular momentum; differential modal gain 153554b96e