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I boarded the ship and told him I wanted to go fishing for a while. Once at the designated fishing site, I explained to him that I wanted him to take me to the part of the coast that was too treacherous for fishing boats to take people out to. He looked at me as if I had asked him for the local bathroom. Then he glanced over his shoulder, but I had already ducked out of sight.
They were very nice in the crew, really. Rent-a-Dad. It's confusing, but every fishing boat has a parent crew member - they work to earn and save money for the day they become a parent, so they can pay for the new baby and the rent for the boat. But it turns out that they usually end up having to shoulder a large share of the responsibility, because the "good dads" feel like part of the family, and they feel like giving them free accommodations is the decent thing to do. Anyway, the fishing captain was a Korean-American, so he was nothing to worry about.
So, after he agreed to sneak me in, he took me off to the coast that was too dangerous for too many fisherman to go looking for a particular part of the net we needed. Not all the migrant fishermen spoke English, but the captain did.
It's a dangerous life. Even though the migrants get paid low wages, they have to put aside money for a whole family and for the future. And the risk of being stabbed in the back is high. Everyone knows how it is going to end - they are going to dock at a government-sanctioned fishing port. Once there, they are going to find out that they don't have fish on board, but they'll still be charged for the trip. d2c66b5586