Menopause Practice: A Clinician's Guide Book Pdf
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The textbook helps its readers to understand the correct terminology for menopause-related conditions and treatments. It differentiates between normal physical, hormonal, and emotional changes around the time of menopause and the pathologic and physiologic conditions and effects related to aging. In addition, the book calls for a review in determining risk factors for common midlife-and-beyond diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.
NAMS is proud to offer the completely updated and referenced 5th edition of the Society s leading professional resource, featuring the latest comprehensive clinical practice information. The textbook is offered in a print book and in an interactive, downloadable, fully bookmarked PDF format. Written and reviewed in collaboration with dozens of experts in the care and treatment of midlife women, this new edition is an indispensable resource for all practitioners focused on menopause management. The Society is grateful for the work of all these contributors, as well as to Noven Women s Health and Novo Nordisk Inc. for the unrestricted educational grants that helped in part to defray development costs. As a CME activity, the textbook and accompanying examination provide a maximum of 26.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM, available through October 15, 2018. Learners other than physicians will earn a certificate of participation noting that the activity includes 11.5 hours of pharmacotherapeutics education.
Review articles: a comprehensive review of prior publications relating to an important clinical subject (2000-3000 words and 30-50 references). An unstructured abstract of no more than 250 words is required. The Introduction should indicate why the topic is important and should state the specific objective(s) of the review. The Conclusion should include the clinical implications and observations regarding the need for additional research. Narrative reviews and minireviews should have a methods section describing search strategy, study selection criteria, the sources (including databases, MeSH and free text search terms and filters, and reference lists from journals or books) of the material covered. Citations to papers published in non-peer-reviewed supplements are discouraged. Systematic reviews should follow the PRISMA guidelines. Meta-analysis of observational studies should follow the MOOSE guidelines.
A new JCM publication, this book provides a comprehensive guide to menopause and the years that follow, bringing together modern biomedical research and ancient wisdom to provide practitioners with an integrated approach to treatment. 2b1af7f3a8